Simple Calculator

Online Calculator

Mobile responsive, quick and easy calculator.

Use on your PC, phone (both Android and Iphone) and tablets. This free calculator will help you calculate college loan interest, MPG or any other subject of your interest.

Enter numbers using your mouse or touching your handheld device (like you would do with a regular pocket calculator).


How to use this calculator
{ 0 }, { 1 },  … { 9 }  numbers; { + } – addition, { х } – multiplication, { – } – subtraction, { ÷ } – division;
{ C } – reset button.


You can type numbers in the number display by activating it with a click of a mouse or a touch pad.

On Tablets and Phones

You can type on this calculator as you would with a regular pocket calculator.

You can enter multiple operation at a time. The mathematical operations are performed following the order that they are entered.