Critical F-value Calculator
This free online calculator will compute the critical value for the F distribution. Enter the probability, degrees of freedom for the numerator and degrees of freedom for the denominator.
Please input numbers in the required fields and click CALCULATE.
What Is An F Statistic?
While you probably already heard about the F statistic, we believe that it is always important to remember these concepts. So, simply put, the F statistic is the value that you get when you run the ANOVA test or when you run a regression analysis to determine if the mean between two populations are significantly different. While you can calculate the F statistic by hand, it’s very handy to use an f value calculator.

If you think about it, the F statistic is very similar to the t statistic that you get from the t test. The main difference is that while the t test tells you if a single variable is statistically significant, an F test tells you if a group of variables are significant together.
But What Does Statistically Significant Mean?
To give you a general idea, when you have a significant result, this means that your results likely didn’t happen by chance, On the other hand, when you get a result that isn’t statistically significant, this means that your test just doesn’t show you anything. So, you can’t reject the null hypothesis. So, just use our free f value calculator and check out your results.
Using The F Statistic

One of the things that you need to know about the F statistic is that you can use it when you are deciding to support or reject the null hypothesis. After all, when you conduct an F test, you will get an F value and an F critical value. To calculate them, you can use our free f value calculator.
In case you don’t know, the F value is the value that you calculate from your data and you can use our f critical value calculator to determine it quickly. On the other hand, the F critical value is a different value that is also known as F statistic.
Generally speaking, when you get an F value that is larger than the F statistic, you can then reject the null hypothesis. However, the F statistic is only one of the measures of significance in an F test. So, to ensure that you have all your results doe correctly, you will also need to consider the p value.
The p value is the probability your results could have happened by chance and is determined by the F statistic. In case you still didn’t calculate your f statistic, you can easily do it by using our free f critical value calculator.

One of the things that you need to understand is that just because your overall results are statistically significant, this doesn’t mean that all your variables are significant. So, you need to use the p value to compare the joint effect of all the variables together.
Let’s say that you are using the F statistic in a regression analysis. So, you will need to calculate the p value and compare it to get the big picture. Use out f critical value calculator to determine the F critical value.
If the p value is less than the alpha level (usually 0.05), your results aren’t significant and you can’t reject the null hypothesis.