The Wisdom of Asking Silly Statistics Questions
When you are studying a new subject or topic, you should be afraid to ask questions as stupid or silly they may be. The reality is that if there is something that statistics make a lot of people feel is that they’re not that smart. Ultimately, we have to say that learning statistics for the same time may b a bit overwhelming. Nevertheless, people don’t want to show that they’re not understanding stuff. And this is quite common among statistics students. However, you should really ask questions even though it may seem that you are asking silly statistics questions.

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The Wisdom of Asking Silly Statistics Questions
While you may think you are asking silly statistics questions and that you’re probably the only one who doesn’t get it, this is probably very far away from the truth. The reality is that most people prefer to keep their questions and doubts for themselves than to look “stupid”. But this isn’t how you evolve, this isn’t the right way to learning at all.
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#1: It’s Safe To Ask Questions:

Ultimately, when you are in a statistics class, then go ahead and start asking silly statistics questions. You can be sure that many other students are struggling exactly with the same subject but they’re just too afraid to ask. No one will “eat you alive” just because you are trying to learn. This is actually a good thing. You want more knowledge, you want to develop your skills.
#2: What Seems Basic At First Time Often Isn’t:
The reality is that it is normal to ask around when you’re learning a new subject. And more often than not, a topic or a question that may seem to have an obvious answer doesn’t. One of the most important things in data analysis is context.
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#3: Even If You Ask A Basic Question, A Review Is Always Helpful:

While it is normal that you perform simple calculations since you do it every single day without even noticing, the reality is that there are things that you just don’t remember when you don’t use them often.
As a statistics student, you are learning a wide range of different subjects and topics. And there are certain things that you may not remember anymore. And this is perfectly fine.
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#4: There Are No Silly Questions:
For younger students in a classroom, it is normal for some to start laughing when a colleague asks a question that is silly to them. However, as we grow older, we start realizing that questions will always be on our minds. And this is a great thing. After all, you only have questions when you are trying to understand a new topic and you just can’t seem to pass that point. So, ultimately, you are trying to learn more. There are absolutely no silly questions. There are questions that are simpler or basic, and there are others that are more complicated or that have, at least, a more complicated answer.